Meal Plan Monday Post

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving whether you traveled near or far. We sure did. We traveled far to be with Patrick's family. So that means a few days of meal planning were out of my hands! We returned Saturday evening and now we've got that holiday spirit!

Meal Plan for Monday November 24 - Sunday November 30

   Monday - Chicken pot pie
   Tuesday - Chicken milanese
   Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - in Chicago!
   Sunday - brunch Cheesy grits with sautéed sweet potato and onion, topped with a fried egg, avocado, and salsa
      dinner Ruby Tuesday's

Can you see the Santa poking his head out at the top?

Can't wait to get back to meal planning this week. So excited to have the Spode Christmas dishes down and using them! We got our first box of these Christmas dishes in 2011 - read about it here. At the time I said "It's so much fun to fill your plate and uncover the beautiful design underneath" and that still holds true.

Since we were away for Thanksgiving I wasn't able to get down Christmas decorations so that will be my task for the next few days. We're hoping to get a tree this week too. Hopefully there'll be a few decorations on the blog sooner rather than later.

Are you all set for Christmas??

1 comment:

  1. Today we got the wreaths up outside and the lights on the deck. Also got the crabpot tree up. Also put away fall decorations so next day or so will got out the Christmas ones. Happy Holidays!!!
