We whipped up this ravioli with pantry things on hand and it turned out really well (which means we didn't have any ricotta and needed to find good substitutions)! Read on to see what we did.
Pumpkin Ravioli
To make the pumpkin filling combine 2 cups plain pumpkin puree with 1/2 cup mascarpone cheese, 1/4 cup breadcrumbs, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper to taste.
Meanwhile prepare pasta dough (2 eggs combined with 200 grams flour in the food processor) and roll through a pasta press. Using a ravioli maker lay out the pasta and fill with pumpkin filling. Top with another pasta sheet and press out of the ravioli molds.
Bring a pot of water to a boil and cook ravioli until it floats (just a few minutes).
Serve the pumpkin ravioli with arugula. Top with Parmesan cheese and a good balsamic vinegar.
It's Always Caturday
Nacho wanted to help pick out a new recipe to try from the cookbooks
I don't know about pumpkin ravioli but I sure do love that cat!