Meal Plan Monday Post

Hello, hello! Hope everyone has had a fantastic week. It seems like a lot of people are getting back into school and the swing of a normal routine. That doesn't really affect us very much but Patrick did have his first orchestra rehearsal this weekend. Unfortunately I was a bit under the weather with really bad congestion and a sore throat so that threw off the intended meal plan. Patrick brought home Asian takeout on Friday night (when I was feeling my worst) because I hadn't prepped anything for dinner and thought that some Hot & Sour Soup would cure my ailments. Then Patrick fixed the perfect oatmeal on both Saturday and Sunday mornings - he'll have to do a post soon since he put quite a bit of research into it. And then we rounded out the weekend with some chicken noodle soup. I'm hoping I'll be back to 100% before too long (I'm feeling much better but still have a hacking cough)!

Meal Plan for Monday August 17 - Sunday August 23

Monday - Pumpkin ravioli and arugula with balsamic

Tuesday - Lemon spaghetti with roasted asparagus

Wednesday - Separate
Thursday - Date night - meet friends for a Bulls game [Bulls won - woo hoo!]
Friday - Asian takeout
Saturday - Breakfast Oatmeal

   Lunch Leftovers
   Dinner Tacos & Tequila Dinner Club; we brought a grilled corn and zucchini salad

Patrick and I split these desserts from the Tacos and Tequila Mexican spread -
churro, Mexican danish, margarita cupcake, and strawberry shortcake. 
Sunday - Breakfast Oatmeal
   Lunch Egg salad with greens and an apple

   Dinner Chicken noodle soup

Cheers to Monday! Have a great week!

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