six . oh . one

It is with much celebration that we write this post - yesterday you read our six hundredth post on our blog! Many thanks if you are a reader or follower. We have one consistent commenter (thanks Mom) but I know there are more of you out there.

Fortunately we're not doing this for the fame or the followers. We blog to have an online cookbook. We've realized that so many good things happen in the kitchen and there are lots of happy memories made in that room that the blog has also morphed into a memory album for us. The blog is a great way to keep track of those happy events and memories.

There have been:
Anniversary dinners [1 Month | 2 Months | 3 Months | 4 Months | 5 Months | 6 Months | 7 Months | 8 Months | 9 Months | 10 Months | 11 Months | 13 Months]
Birthday parties [25 | Birthday Blowout for friends | Luncheon for Mom]
Christmas parties [2011 | 2010]
Celebratory brunches [Bros brunch | Brunch with the newly engaged J&N | Mother's Day | Christine's bachelorette brunch]
Holidays [Halloween | Thanksgiving | Valentine's 2013 | St. Patrick's Day Meal & Cake ]
Throwback potlucks with lots of friends [Christmas | Thanksgiving | Easter | Asian | Mexican | French | Greek | Italian | Southern | Breakfast | Summer | Spring | Mom Dish | Your Initial | February Awards | Royal Chef | Crispy | Chopped | Secret Ingredient]
& More [Housewarming | Casual get together | NYE Party]

And in other personal events we shared when: Patrick proposed in spring 2012, we got married in August 2013, bought a house in spring 2014, and adopted cats in fall 2014.

The blog also allows us to connect with whoever chooses to follow us. And I sincerely hope that it encourages you to try to cook one meal in your kitchen that you wouldn't have otherwise.

And now with a bittersweet tear we announce that we'll be blogging elsewhere! There will be no six-oh-two post on whit's kitchen and patrick's too. We have revamped our wedding website and will be blogging on it. If you have favorited us or have us in a blog reader please update it to

How much cooler is that?! Now that we're settling into our new home we wanted to be able to share more with you and thought would be a better platform. However, keep in mind, that what we do most with our evenings is cook so the majority of the blog will still be recipes! Meal plan Monday will still be happening. There will just be more cat photos, maybe a few house projects, and general what's happening in our life. 

Humans ... where are you going?!
Oh ... on to a new blog. We approve!
-Nacho & Dupree

1 comment:

  1. I have LOVED this blog and I know I will love the new one! You both are so talented with your entertaining skills. Please keep it up!!!
