Meal Plan Monday Post

Finally things are slowing down a bit from the hectic holidays and we are returning to normal. It's good to be back meal planning and cooking in the kitchen.

Last weekend we made a pot of chicken stock. To the pot we added a picked over chicken carcass (this was from a rotisserie chicken), quartered whole onion, 3 carrots, 3 celery stalks, garlic cloves, bay leaf, and salt and pepper. Once the stock had simmered for 5-6 hours we let it cool and then put it in individual containers to freeze (variety of 2 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup silicone muffin cups that after frozen we place in a ziploc bag). Chicken stock used to be something we always bought in bulk at Costco but we have completely eliminated that purchase by making our own like this and freezing it.

Now back to the meal plan!

Meal Plan for Monday January 5 - Sunday January 11

   Monday - Salmon cakes, macaroni and cheese, roasted broccoli
   Tuesday - Sweet potato lentil chili
   Wednesday - Meatloaf, potatoes, honey glazed carrots, roasted broccoli

   Thursday & Friday - Whitney out of town; Patrick being a bachelor
   Saturday - Salmon & lentils
   Sunday - breakfast Crepes
      dinner Thai turkey chili

Starting today we are embarking on a 14 week challenge that is aimed at eliminating processed foods from your diet. We'll be following this challenge from the 100 Days of Real Food blog. I'm particularly excited because it also focuses on food sustainability and supporting local farms. Week 1 is to eat a minimum of two different fruits or vegetables (preferably organic) with every breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal.

Wish us luck and feel free to join along!

1 comment:

  1. We are going to do the challenge too. Thanks for the info.
