Baked Crab Cakes

There's a guy from Locals Seafood at the place where we pick up our CSA veggies every week, so I've been patronizing them every now and then to get some fresh NC seafood. One of their items is crab meat, so I decided to pick up a pound and try my hand at crab cakes for the first time. Our friends Christine and Kasper recently sent us a gift of two Le Creuset petite casserole dishes, so I decided it would be fun to bake up individual portions in them, while also avoiding the inevitable mess that occurs whenever I try to fry salmon cakes. The little dishes were such fun to use, and made for a really nice presentation. Thanks guys!

These seafood cake recipes are super easy; you just throw a bunch of ingredients (esp. egg, bread crumbs, mayo) you like together in a bowl and adjust them until you get the consistency you want. Here is what I used; the amounts are after-the-fact guesses. I made a topping with melted butter and bread crumbs, and then baked everything at 350 for about 20 minutes (until topping browned).

1 lb crab meat
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
1 red onion, minced
3 scallions
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/4 cup mayo
2 eggs
Salt and pepper

Whitney prepped some corn and salad for our sides

1 comment:

  1. Looks so yummy! Glad you like the dishes :)
