Hello! Just a quick update for my few readers regarding the blog >> it's changed! Please enjoy a new name and layout! Of course the direction of the blog changed from its original inception just a few months after blogging.
I'm also learning the blog is a fun tool for myself to browse previous recipes and use them as jumping off points for a supper. Therefore I am going to try to blog more so I can have more recipes at my disposal! So enjoy! There have been many times when I go to cook something I know I've cooked before but didn't blog or really have a recipe. Sometimes I'm too much like Granny in the kitchen (dash of this and a dab of that) but I'm not a seasoned vet in the kitchen like her so two of my dishes are never the same!
Patrick particularly refers to the blog for dinner ideas. In the past month he has chosen to cook a recently featured dish, Easiest Pasta Dish Ever 7/30/10, and a memorable dish from February, Sausage and Rigatoni Fake-Bake 2/22/10!
I loved the "old" blog! Will enjoy the new format too I am sure. I have made the easiest pasta dish ever. Delicious. Did not realize it was Molly's. Will try the sausage and rigatoni soon with the cream I have!