How to have a pumpkin party!

As I mentioned with the past two blog posts I had a pumpkin party right before Halloween! The Quick Italian Beef & Vegetable Soup & Chocolate Chip and Mascarpone Cupcakes were a delicious beginning to a fun night of painting pumpkins with friends! The first two years of my pumpkin party adventures (2008 & 2009) featured pumpkin carving. The party commenced with pumpkin carving late afternoon with plenty of sunlight outside and then ended in the kitchen with all the yummy food. This year I was not able to plan the party in the afternoon and there would not be enough sunlight to spare for carving outside. Therefore the party moved inside and we painted pumpkins in the evening. I served soup and grilled cheese sandwiches before we painted pumpkins and then to reward everyone's hard work we had dessert afterwards. The creative blocks were still the same... maybe a bit more with painting this year but everything came together and everyone painted wonderful, Halloween pumpkins! I do believe fun was had by all... except our dining room table. But I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking!

I set up two tables in the kitchen for dining!
The dining room table was converted to the painting station! Each painter had a paper plate for their palette, a paper towel, and a cup at their disposal to create a wonderful masterpiece!
The dessert area! Pie & cupcakes for all... oh and can't forget a jack-o-lantern full of candy!
Beginning stages of painting.
Patrick creating!
Sterling's finished pumpkin! Loved the witch :-)
Then we thought we'd take a group photo... but the table could no longer bear the weight of pumpkins or people!
Will the pieces go back together??
Painted pumpkins! A successful party!


  1. Yayy! It was a very successful party, minus the table.

  2. Whit-Pooh, I see party planner in your future! Cool Movie Mom
